My kick ass truck.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I personally think Thoreau was a quack. His idea about railroads is way off. railroads united the states with a public form of transportation, not to mention a faster way to get information across country. he talks about how to simplify your life. Isn't the point of new technology to do just that? If he were here today he would freak at the thought of using a computer. In fact he's probably rolling in his grave now as I type this blog. Also secluding himself for a year is not healthy. There is a reason prisons only allow convicts small amount of time in solitary confinement. Men have gone crazy without human contact for a prolonged amount of time.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dumbest Generation Video

I have to disagree and agree with some of the things said by the professor in the video. How can he judge us when he himself was probably the same way when he was younger. I bet you any money he didn't study like he wants his students to do now. And the fact that he called us lazy and ignorant is another issue. Yeah we are lazy to an extent, but that again doesn't mean any one else isn't lazy. However we can understand the technology in society now a days better than anyone else. I know my parents come to me when they have an issue with their electronics or websites. And my grandfather doesn't even know how to turn on his cable box or what the little red light is on the cable box. How can this professor call us ignorant when generations before us can run simple electronics.
Those other videos don't help our reputation either. Miss South Carolina or what ever state she was from should not be allowed to speak in public. Nothing she said made any sense. Some of the people Jay Leno interviewed should have known those answers. However most of those people who were asked were not from our generation. So that survey doesn't even support the professors study.

Friday, February 5, 2010

OJ Simpson and Darth Vader

I watched the OJ Simpson portion of the Hooks video. She stated several times that this entire case was about a man killing a woman, not an African American doing so. However I noticed that the majority of the people that were rejoicing that OJ was innocent were women. For being a feminist she certainly didn't take into consideration that women were cheering for OJ. That is a weird coincidence is it not?

The other part I wanted to comment on was the part we watched in class. The whole good vs evil, or black vs white. And what got me more stirred up was the Star Wars scenario. She said that James Earl Jones was only chosen for the part of Darth Vader because we is black. Bullshit. That man has one of the coolest voices in show biz. Why couldn't George Lucas have seen that instead of his color? I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I think some the things this Bell Hooks says is bull.