My kick ass truck.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dumbest Generation Video

I have to disagree and agree with some of the things said by the professor in the video. How can he judge us when he himself was probably the same way when he was younger. I bet you any money he didn't study like he wants his students to do now. And the fact that he called us lazy and ignorant is another issue. Yeah we are lazy to an extent, but that again doesn't mean any one else isn't lazy. However we can understand the technology in society now a days better than anyone else. I know my parents come to me when they have an issue with their electronics or websites. And my grandfather doesn't even know how to turn on his cable box or what the little red light is on the cable box. How can this professor call us ignorant when generations before us can run simple electronics.
Those other videos don't help our reputation either. Miss South Carolina or what ever state she was from should not be allowed to speak in public. Nothing she said made any sense. Some of the people Jay Leno interviewed should have known those answers. However most of those people who were asked were not from our generation. So that survey doesn't even support the professors study.


  1. I agree. I don't think this professor has done anything that he is expecting of his students or of our generation. I help my parents all the time with their computers and all. I don't know how I can be part of the dumbest generation if the people of his generation run to us for answers... doesn't make sense!

  2. True that man. Overall, I did not the part of the video where the professor was lecturing. Yet the parts of the video where Jay Leno was asking questions to people did show off a lot of dumb-asses, and it was funny that majority of those folks were not even in our generation, they were much closer to his own. Miss South Carolina was a little on the dense side as well, but it was funny just see someone so confident, but yet oh so wrong at the same time.
